EXPEDITION 2016 (Kharga)

Focus: Environment.

Dates: 18-22 December 2016.

Area/site: the desert area from Ain Amur to Umm al-Dabadib; the area of Qasr al-Gib and Qasr al-Sumayra; Deir al-Mounira.

Short description: The aim of this expedition was to produce an up-to-date assessment of the environmental conditions of the area that is under consideration by the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency to become a major Protected Area. The team performed a number of tasks: checked flora and fauna in the most remote portion of the area, between Ain Amur and Umm al-Dabadib; cleared the remote spring of Ain Amur, the only watering point for the local herd of Dorcas Gazelles; checked the potential eastern boundary of the proposed Protected Area and suggested the implementation of specific actions to protect the local environment in an effective way.

Team: Dr Corinna Rossi, Dr Ashraf Salem, Mr Ahmed Moussa, Dr Francesco Fassi; with the support of Ahmed Farrag (ghaffir), Essam Harby Salah and Salah Mohammad (Pan Arab Tours drivers) and Bahaa ed-Din Fatih (Kharga Police).

Acknowledgements: HE Dr Khaled Fahmy (Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency, Dr Fatma Mohsen (EEAA), General Omar Hassan (EEAA), Mr Bahgat Ahmed Ibrahim (Ministry of the Antiquities).

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This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizion 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement n°  681673).